
Just add a little kindness

Lockdown 6.0 is proving to be tricky.  As the numbers go up and down on a daily basis, so do our emotions.  Some days we are super positive and resilient and can handle the changes and challenges of lockdown.  At other times we can find it difficult, frustrating, overwhelming and just a bit too much.  With our rollercoaster of emotions, we can find ourselves not being who we normally are – getting irritated at minor things, snapping at loved ones, getting upset and sad over the smallest of things.  We then feel upset with ourselves for our reactions and behaviour and this begins the cycle of self-doubt, self-criticism and even self-loathing.  It is at these times that we need to add a little bit of kindness.  Kindness to others can be easy to give but what we need at these times is kindness towards ourselves. 

Kindness for ourselves may include going for a walk in the fresh air, eating a good meal that you enjoy, talking to a trusted friend on the phone, reading a book or writing in a journal, doing a home workout or working in the garden.  It may be taking a long bath or shower, watching the footy, an uplifting or funny movie, playing some games with the kids, meditating or dancing round the lounge to your favourite songs.  

Kindness to ourselves is however more than just actions we take – it is how we think about ourselves, the whispers we speak to our hearts, the pressures and expectations we put and don’t put on ourselves.  It is in these, not so obvious ways, that we undermine and also build our own mental wellbeing – are we speaking with kindness to ourselves, especially in the quiet words we say in our minds?  Are we expecting too much from ourselves – juggling too much, trying to do everything full steam ahead and not make concessions for our changed circumstances?  Are we forgiving ourselves for the times we act in ways we wouldn’t normally do – when our emotions are frayed and we have reached our limit?  These are the most important places we need to add just a little bit of kindness.  We need to treat ourselves as a loved and loveable human being and whisper the words our heart and mind need to hear to keep us well.

Today, try to add just a little bit of kindness into your life xoxo