House News

A garden of change.

Change is part of life.  Sometimes a change is what we need – a change of scenery , a change is better than a holiday, chop and change, sea change, a change of heart.  These changes uplift us, inspire us and challenge us in a positive way.  At other times change is difficult and confronting and we wish life could stay as it was before. If we could turn back time, rewind and stay the same.

As in life, our gardens go through change.  Our plants bloom and grow, following their path to the sun. They change with the seasons and the passing of time.  They bring us joy throughout their phases.  Gardens can be a place of solace, of rest and calm. They can feed our souls and ground us back to what is real and important.

Also like life, our gardens can become unruly – weeds crop up and take over, we don’t prune often or hard enough to create new growth.  They stagnate or become all too much to deal with.  Such was the case with our garden at the Community House.  It had become so wayward that it did not provide the peace, connection and solace that we needed.  And so the BIG decision to clear it out and start again happened – it was with sadness that we said goodbye to some of our trees – and not so much sadness to see the weeds go!

We now, however, look forward with hope and anticipation for the new beginning and the combined community creation our garden will be.  We hope to create a place for all our community to come and feel nurtured, supported and grounded.  A place where we can connect – to each other, to community and to the Earth.


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