House News

Goodbye 2020

And so, in a blink of an eye, 2020 is hurtling to a close and many of us will gladly wave her goodbye.

Perhaps the lessons some of us have learned throughout this remarkable eon will help us be more grateful for the small things in life. We realise that people and planet are far more important than profit and that things such as watching a bee on a flower or cuddling your pet are the most precious of all.

The Community House will close on Thursday the 17th of December and re-open on Monday the 1st of February. Our Term One program is almost ready to go and will be released as soon as it is finalised.

We envisage that we will still be operating under COVID restrictions in the New Year, but that should be second nature to all of us by then.

Thank you so much for sticking with us this year as we have navigated our way through almost unchartered waters (along with everyone else!) and we are looking forward to seeing you all back at the House for a wonderful 2021. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!